
On this page:
    Single-record viewing
    Single-record paging (YAD)
    Bulk replacements (YAD)
    Field-aware search

On the Extras 1 page:
    A data auditing procedure
    Reporting results

On the Extras 3 page:
    A better uniq count
    Reformat tab-separated items
    Visualise single spaces
    A special date check
    A special cross-file check

On the Extras 4 page:
    Progressive split on regex
    Choose a command template
    Hex values in a text string
    Top and bottom of a text file

TSV This marker means that the recipe only works with tab-separated data tables.

Single-record viewing

The "recbyfld" function takes table name and record (line) number as its two arguments.

List a record's data items by numbered field    TSV

recbyfld () { paste <(head -n1 "$1" | tr '\t' '\n') <(sed -n "$2p" "$1"| tr '\t' '\n') | nl -w1; }


Single-record paging (YAD)

The "yadrex" script uses the YAD dialog creator and is a much neater way to display the contents of a single record. It can also page records forward and back, one at a time. The script takes three arguments: table name, record (line) number and number of columns for display.
Note: The script shown here is an improved version of the one described in this BASHing data post. YAD will delete any underscores (_) in field names.

Page through individual records, neatly displayed in a GUI dialog    TSV

mapfile -t < <(head -1 "$1" | tr '\t' '\n' | sed 's/^/--field=/')
while true; do
awk -v goto="$nr" 'NR==goto' "$1" | tr '\t' '\n' \
| while read line; do echo "$line"; done \
| yad --center --columns="$3" --form "${MAPFILE[@]}" \
--button="Quit":1 --button="Previous record":2 --button="Next record":0 > /dev/null
case $? in
1) exit 0;;
2) nr=$(($nr-1)) && continue;;
0) nr=$(($nr+1)) && continue;;
252) exit 0;;
exit 0

The (reduced) screenshot below shows record 26 in table "demo", displayed with 2 columns (command yadrex demo 26 2) :


Bulk replacements (YAD)

Another handy script if you have YAD available. The "brgy" script (bulk replacement in a gui with yad) allows you to repeatedly replace pseudo-replicate entries in a data table with a single "correct" version. The script builds a new table after each replacement with the same name as the starting table; the previous version of the table is saved with a time stamp in its filename. For instructions and a demonstration, see this BASHing data post.

Bulk-replace pseudo-replicates    TSV
(See instructions here)

while true; do
choice=$(yad --geometry=400x600+1450+100 --title="" --align=center \
--button="Quit":1 --button="Replace":0 \
--form \
--field="Items to be replaced:":TXT \
--field="Replace with:" \
--field="In field number..." \
"" "" "")
case $? in
1) exit 0;;
0) cp "$1" "$1".$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%T") && \
awk -v REPL="$(echo "$choice" | cut -d"|" -f2)" \
-v FLD="$(echo "$choice" | cut -d"|" -f3)" \
'BEGIN {FS=OFS="\t"} FNR==NR {a[$0]; next} \
$FLD in a {$FLD=REPL} 1' \
<(echo -e "$choice" | cut -d"|" -f1 | cut -f2) "$1" > temp && \
mv temp "$1" && \
252) exit 0;;
exit 0

Field-aware search

The "fldgrep" function searches for an exact string in a TSV and returns the string's line and field location (field number and field name), plus the field containing the string with the string highlighted.

Field-aware search for exact string    TSV

fldgrep() { awk -F"\t" -v target="$1" -v blue="\x1b[1;34m" -v red="\x1b[1;31m" -v reset="\x1b[0m" 'NR==1 {for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) a[i]=$i} NR>1 {for (j=1;j<=NF;j++) if ($j ~ target) {n=split($j,m,target,sep); printf("%s","line " blue NR reset ", field " blue j reset " (" blue a[j] reset "): "); for (k=1;k<=n;k++) printf("%s", m[k] red sep[k] reset); print ""}}' "$2"; }


More information here.